Finance & Planning

Being a professional athlete provides the talent we manage with a unique opportunity to set themselves up with a solid financial foundation for their life beyond sport. Building financial literacy skills can not only help the athlete to support and achieve various money life goals, it can empower them to gain the confidence to play an active role in the management of their financial affairs. No matter what professionals they work with to assist their finance management, ultimately the athlete is the final and most important decision maker regarding their money and those decisions need to be grounded in sound financial knowledge.
Whether it be knowing how to create a budget, plan for post sporting life, manage debt, buy a car or track personal spending, education around money is key. More Than Management aims not to do it for the athlete, but to connect our talent with trusted financial professionals including accountants, mortgage brokers and financial wealth management planners who are experienced working with athletes and have extensive knowledge around their unique circumstances and needs. They provide the appropriate support, guidance and education so our talent learn enough to ask the right questions and proactively take an interest in, and responsibility for, the state of their own finances.
Ally Anderson

Darcy Vescio

Heather Graham

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